Christmas, Glitter Hatred, Personal, Santa

The Truth About Santa! (PG-13)

This whole Christmas thing is out of control. You want to know what my dad and his brothers woke up to on Christmas morning? Of course you do, you’re still reading. They woke up to a new pair of blue jeans, plastic six-shooters, and a piece of fruit. This was the usual for most of his childhood Christmas mornings. DHR would probably take your children away if you did this now.

You know who’s responsible for this? Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. Yep, the jolly (kidspeak for alcoholic) old fat man himself. You see, this all started in the mid-1900’s when Saint Nicholas, or “Santa” as we know him, decided to turn up the heat on consumerism and therefor solidify his place in our culture for decades to come. Santa is smart like that. During my father’s childhood, Santa catered to the values of The Greatest Generation. You know, the men who went off to fight wars and watch their brothers and comrades in arms die for the sake of their country. Santa knew that with this war-hardened generation, just recovering from The Great Depression, too many luxuries could spell his demise.

So, the corrupt and conniving owner of North Pole sweatshops played it safe. Have the elves grow some fruit, make some cheap toy cowboy pistols and sew denim. Then, gradually outsource Christmas and phase in a consumerist mindset. By the time deregulation began we were primed for Operation Consumer Christmas Overload, Phase I. Behind the scenes, the drug fueled, free love culture of the 60’s and 70’s had taken its toll on the elf labor pool and set the stage for this secret plan. You see, elves were now needed for hallucinations, shopping malls and wrestling (yes, they used elves for midget wrestling). So, consumer-minded, profit greedy, slave-driver Santa, contracted his elves to other companies, in the name of higher margins. He then leaned heavily and directly on the toy companies to meet his gift-giving demands.

It seemed like a win-win for all. More toys, happier kids (at least on Christmas morning) and a greater appreciation for the overlooked elf populace and their talents. That is, until enough brains were fried, everyone learned love is in fact never free, nor is VD and we were all left with a bunch of lazy liberals who really didn’t want to work too hard, rather they chose to sit back, deny God, blame the man and promote socialist policies that benefit those with a lack of motivation. All this while mumbling peace, holding up two fingers and driving cars named after insects. Everything according to plan.

Now, what was Santa left to do? How was he possibly going to continue breaking and entering, sexually assaulting children’s mothers that would then be glorified in songs sung by said children and continuing to profit from his slave labor back in the North Pole sweatshop? Piece by piece.

You guessed it. More stuff. Not just that, but he also decided to play up his role in childhood development and behavior. He knows who’s “naughty and nice”. The creep even sees you when you’re sleeping. So kids, if you’re bad, Santa will bring you lumps of coal or bundles of switches. Problem solved. Kids are lured into falsely modified behavior in order to gain reward with no regard for the moral principles that should in fact promote and bind them to said positive behaviors.

Elf on the Shelf? More of the same. Capitalist Santa at his best. Just another way to manipulate bratty, spoiled children into behaving so we don’t actually have to do any, you know, parenting that prevents these brats from becoming egotistical, narcissistic adults who raise an even worse generation and spend even less time actually parenting them.

You see what happens when you outsource Christmas? You see what happens when it’s all about an alcoholic, obese, peeping tom creeper who abuses reindeer (where’s Sara McLaughlin and her ASPCA commercial for that?) breaks into people’s homes, eats all their snacks, cops a feel of some kids mother (no wonder we have a single mother epidemic, bet he’s behind that too!) and drops off some Chinese toys outsourced to the lowest bidder and marketed with millions of dollars in order to create this Christmas demand frenzy?

Wake up people. Santa sucks! Enjoy your families. Enjoy good food. Enjoy your friends. Most importantly, celebrate the reason for the season, Jesus. I’m not sure if Jesus ever met Santa, as by most estimates they missed each other by about 500 years, but I wish he would have. I really believe if Santa had been given the same revelation as the apostle Paul all of this could have been avoided.

Lastly, I need to be transparent. Although Santa never once visited me as a child, I hold no ill-will. I’m not bitter. No big deal, Santa. Yes, I may have snuck out of my bed on Christmas-eve and made sure the door was unlocked since we had no chimney. Just in case. I mean, I didn’t want to be the kind of person Santa proved to be. A liar! I was good (rarely, but I know worse kids that did get presents) and I believed and you never came!

Whew. Now that I got that out. I forgive you dad. I’m sorry Santa’s gifts of fruit and denim left you with a gaping hole of unbelief. Although your reasons for no Santa certainly had merit. It is true that Jesus’ birth date is never mentioned in the Bible. It also makes sense that if God had wanted us to know he’d have told us. It’s even more rational to say that if in fact we were going to celebrate Christmas we’d specifically seek out the orphan and the widow because giving gifts to them is giving to Christ. I get the whole pagan holiday thing, now that I’ve researched it for myself. So, perhaps you were right.

But you know what happens to kids who know the truth about Santa from the beginning? They sit on your shoulders and excitedly and loudly proclaim, “See Dad! I told you he was real!” at the Disney Christmas parade while all the people around you stare at you like a pariah. It’s okay, stick to your guns man! I’ll just sneak up to my grandmothers and pocket some cash and years later pen a passive-aggressive blog to lash out.

Santa, if you’re reading this, I forgive you too. Let’s make amends. You can begin making up for all the formative years of crushed spirits by bringing me a log cabin on a piece of land in the mountains with a crackling fire and a bear rug or if you’re into aviation, I’ll take a KingAir 350, because unlike you, I’m not self-absorbed enough to ask for something crazy like a G6. What’s that Santa? Sounds to you like an entitlement mentality? Well, it’s all your fault.

P.S.- Santa, please tell me there is no glitter in the North Pole?

P.P.S – I noticed your name shares the same letters as Satan. How you answer that last question will clarify which side you’re really on.

Glitter Hatred, Hatred of Glitter, Personal, Say No To Glitter

You’re Welcome

It’s here, that moment you’ve all waited for. That’s right, all one of you. Thanks, mom.

My very own blog to share my insight and wisdom (or lack thereof) on topics that interest me. Yes, interest me. The beauty of that is if you’re not into what I’m writing, you don’t have to read. See, beautiful isn’t it?

As part of my introduction I’d like to make a couple confessions:

1) I hate glitter. As a Christian, this troubles me to admit. I’m not supposed to harbor hate in my heart. I HATE GLITTER. I believe it is Satan’s dandruff and put on this earth solely to drive me insane.

2) I’m not a fan of Christmas music. I’d take year round Christmas music over glitter, but I’m still no fan.

3) I’m a tad bit opinionated. Hence the blog. I thoroughly enjoy sharing my thoughts, insight, experiences and so on in the hopes someone else either benefits from this or at least enjoys laughing at and/or with me.

4) I’m anal retentive. I also hate that term. It sounds weird at best and disgusting at worst. I’m shooting for a family friendly blog so I’ll stop there.

5) I spend my day leading people and building relationships and I am very passionate about this. Sadly, my skills in the professional world don’t translate to success at home. My kids and wife aren’t very impressed no matter how many million dollar deals I close or people I’m asked to speak to and that’s okay.

Now that those are out of the way, and referencing number 5, I am passionate about people and their abilities. I believe people limit themselves in many ways. Fear, insecurity and laziness to name a few. I 100% believe we are all capable of great things if we set our mind on them.

I am also passionate about business the right way, with integrity. Business that helps bring that potential out of people and enriches their lives. You may find some information shared here that was previously published at This is the website for Christian Business Alliance (shameless plug) an organization I helped found and am currently working to develop as a resource and network to the Christian business community and Christian professionals.

So, welcome to my blog. I’m sorry you can never get the time you just used to read this back. With that in mind you may as well pretend it was worth it.

