Glitter Hatred, Hatred of Glitter, Personal, Say No To Glitter

You’re Welcome

It’s here, that moment you’ve all waited for. That’s right, all one of you. Thanks, mom.

My very own blog to share my insight and wisdom (or lack thereof) on topics that interest me. Yes, interest me. The beauty of that is if you’re not into what I’m writing, you don’t have to read. See, beautiful isn’t it?

As part of my introduction I’d like to make a couple confessions:

1) I hate glitter. As a Christian, this troubles me to admit. I’m not supposed to harbor hate in my heart. I HATE GLITTER. I believe it is Satan’s dandruff and put on this earth solely to drive me insane.

2) I’m not a fan of Christmas music. I’d take year round Christmas music over glitter, but I’m still no fan.

3) I’m a tad bit opinionated. Hence the blog. I thoroughly enjoy sharing my thoughts, insight, experiences and so on in the hopes someone else either benefits from this or at least enjoys laughing at and/or with me.

4) I’m anal retentive. I also hate that term. It sounds weird at best and disgusting at worst. I’m shooting for a family friendly blog so I’ll stop there.

5) I spend my day leading people and building relationships and I am very passionate about this. Sadly, my skills in the professional world don’t translate to success at home. My kids and wife aren’t very impressed no matter how many million dollar deals I close or people I’m asked to speak to and that’s okay.

Now that those are out of the way, and referencing number 5, I am passionate about people and their abilities. I believe people limit themselves in many ways. Fear, insecurity and laziness to name a few. I 100% believe we are all capable of great things if we set our mind on them.

I am also passionate about business the right way, with integrity. Business that helps bring that potential out of people and enriches their lives. You may find some information shared here that was previously published at This is the website for Christian Business Alliance (shameless plug) an organization I helped found and am currently working to develop as a resource and network to the Christian business community and Christian professionals.

So, welcome to my blog. I’m sorry you can never get the time you just used to read this back. With that in mind you may as well pretend it was worth it.

