Personal, Say No To Glitter, Uncategorized

I Am Offended and the Government Should Stop It From Happening

I’m offended. I’ve been done an injustice. My very happiness has been threatened. To be fair, we were only granted rights that allowed for “the pursuit of happiness” and apparently that loophole makes being a judge fun. However, I’ll soon be taking my list of things that offend me to my city council, county commission, state representatives, congressman, senator and all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

My case needs to be heard. No one should be subject to these travesties in any progressive country that truly represents the well-being of its citizens. The following offenses by my fellow countrymen and many illegal aliens have been detrimental to my pursuit and directly infringed on my quality of life:

1) Use of glitter. This abomination, better known as Satan’s dandruff, has been creeping toward world domination for decades. Those who support the use of such a dangerous element in our society have been quietly launching a crusade to ingrain glitter into our culture under the guise of being “for the kids” and “art”. It has no place in our modern world. It is invasive and intrudes on my right to glitter free privacy. Not one veteran of our country has ever gone on record as having fought to defend the use of glitter, nor has one single veteran ever been on record as having personally been a user of glitter. It’s time we put a stop to this madness before not one spec of this promised land remains glitter free.

2) Poor eating habits. We are not a third world country so it’s time we quit eating like it. It is among my inalienable rights to be able to eat or socialize in public without the disgusting, distracting, despicable, reprehensible (ran out of “d” words), grotesque, annoying, and cringe-worthy eating habits found in the general populace. I firmly believe that laws should be enacted that among the first offense of smacking or talking with your mouth full in public a UFC trained law enforcement official punches you in the face. Second offense is incarceration. If I could only count the times I’ve had an otherwise pleasant movie or dinner outing ruined by some deplorable (Hah! Another “d” word!) and apparently starved Neanderthal whose excessive crunching, bits of food or cringe-worthy smacking made me want to scream and tase them with a couple trillion volts then, well, I’d be able to count really high.

3) Males in skinny jeans. Let’s just take a common sense approach here. What if a band of ISIS terrorists storm the beaches on either coast or even the Gulf of Mexico. If all the males have to take up arms immediately to offer resistance, what happens if a group of our armed men run up in skinny jeans? Yes, you guessed it. We lose the fight for several reasons. One, your fellow combatants are laughing too hard to fight. Two, the terrorists only abstain from laughing because terrorists only laugh evil laughs and not for fun so they’re still raging war. Three, our men in their skinny jeans can’t maneuver without being too constricted. Come on, you’ve never seen one combat hero accomplish anything in jeans that tight. Now, I know the case could be made for cowboys but their jeans allow for boots and with boots, well, they make all the difference. My conclusion here is that men wearing skinny jeans support ISIS and weaken our military. Man up, fellas and wear man pants rather than something that looks like you either got them from an egg-shaped canister or you’re trying out for Peter Pan. (As a side note, although Peter Pan is a male character he is often played by females. Why you ask? Because only females will wear those tights!)

4) Being offended. If we had been proactive and already established the Pansy Police we could have avoided so much of this. Stop being offended. We can disagree. It’s okay. People disagreeing does NOT make them a bigot (look it up). People being intolerant of the opinions and ideals of others are bigots. So, people who don’t agree with gay marriage aren’t bigots any more than those who do agree with it. Stop being offended that people actually believe in God and the Bible. Stop being offended that people don’t believe in God and the Bible. Stop being offended over a flag. Stop being offended that a flag was removed from state capitols where it had no business. Everyone get over yourselves. Unless something threatens you physically or otherwise violates your basic human rights (happiness not among them) then SUCK. IT. UP. There are too many of us with too many beliefs. We cannot all agree. You can speak out. You can voice your opinion. However, from here on out, you can no longer be offended. Alright, fair enough. This is impossible. Often offense is a natural reaction and one cannot help it. How about we put it this way: Your being offended means nothing. It gives you no rights and no one should have to alter their behavior due to your offense.

*As a side note to Christians: Our God is not in the least threatened by this or anything else this fallen world has to offer. He knew it was going to happen. You should have too. His Kingdom will still come. Want to know when people will really want to know our God? When we get busy doing and quit just talking. You have every right to state your position in love for God’s children but you do not have a right to be hateful and mean to people. Speak truth in love or it’s not really truth. (Mark 12:30-31)

5) Facebook. While I’m on a roll I may as well tackle this one. Facebook makes it difficult on a beginning blogger that isn’t willing to hand over their credit card number and agree to a daily promotion fee. I can share a blog on my personal page and have it liked and shared 20 times more than the actual The Weekley Blog page. This sucks. You, Facebook, can put ads wherever you want. Your entire premise began as a social network for individuals. Stop limiting my exposure in newsfeeds! So, this one is a tad selfish but I’m okay with that. It’s my right and you’re no longer able to be offended. Here’s how you the reader can help: Like, Share and Invite Friends who have lots of time on their hands, need to be offended or need someone to laugh at/with. Together, we’ll show Facebook Pages who’s boss.

Check out more at, Longview News-Journal at and at The Weekley Blog on Facebook. Be sure and tell my friends at Longview News-Journal how much you love The Weekley Blog ( and if your last name is Weekley change it first or they’ll be on to me.

Glitter Hatred, Hatred of Glitter, Personal, Say No To Glitter

You’re Welcome

It’s here, that moment you’ve all waited for. That’s right, all one of you. Thanks, mom.

My very own blog to share my insight and wisdom (or lack thereof) on topics that interest me. Yes, interest me. The beauty of that is if you’re not into what I’m writing, you don’t have to read. See, beautiful isn’t it?

As part of my introduction I’d like to make a couple confessions:

1) I hate glitter. As a Christian, this troubles me to admit. I’m not supposed to harbor hate in my heart. I HATE GLITTER. I believe it is Satan’s dandruff and put on this earth solely to drive me insane.

2) I’m not a fan of Christmas music. I’d take year round Christmas music over glitter, but I’m still no fan.

3) I’m a tad bit opinionated. Hence the blog. I thoroughly enjoy sharing my thoughts, insight, experiences and so on in the hopes someone else either benefits from this or at least enjoys laughing at and/or with me.

4) I’m anal retentive. I also hate that term. It sounds weird at best and disgusting at worst. I’m shooting for a family friendly blog so I’ll stop there.

5) I spend my day leading people and building relationships and I am very passionate about this. Sadly, my skills in the professional world don’t translate to success at home. My kids and wife aren’t very impressed no matter how many million dollar deals I close or people I’m asked to speak to and that’s okay.

Now that those are out of the way, and referencing number 5, I am passionate about people and their abilities. I believe people limit themselves in many ways. Fear, insecurity and laziness to name a few. I 100% believe we are all capable of great things if we set our mind on them.

I am also passionate about business the right way, with integrity. Business that helps bring that potential out of people and enriches their lives. You may find some information shared here that was previously published at This is the website for Christian Business Alliance (shameless plug) an organization I helped found and am currently working to develop as a resource and network to the Christian business community and Christian professionals.

So, welcome to my blog. I’m sorry you can never get the time you just used to read this back. With that in mind you may as well pretend it was worth it.

