Be An Educated Voter, Politics, TakeOurCountryBack

Unfortunately, Government Is A Reflection of It’s People

Who doesn’t love a good rant against our deeply divided, flawed and broken government? Exactly. We all do. It is very clear for all of us to see the disregard for the hard working, taxpaying citizens of our country. Blatant hypocrisy, borderline and often time clear criminal behavior, the lowest levels of integrity, self-preservation and self-promotion. You name it and our disgusting government has come to exemplify it.

It is quite disheartening and downright frustrating. To make matters worse, we have the exact government we deserve. Yes, you read that right. Government is a reflection of its people and ours is showing us the man in the mirror. We are exactly where we deserve to be. In the words of the American philosopher, Robert James Ritchie, “You get what you put in and people get what they deserve.”

Our elected officials are as divided as we are as a nation. Our elected officials are as arrogant and entitled as we are as a people. Our elected officials have lead our country down the path to the very same type of debt-laden finances as we the people are exhibiting in our very own private lives. Our elected officials have the very same flaws we all do. We all suffer the same conditions of the heart.

We’ve become a people easily manipulated, divided and controlled. Watch the news. Read your social media newsfeed. Read the local paper. Look at our congressmen and president.

No matter which side of the fence you sit on, the majority of Americans were sold on a president for “Hope and Change”. A president who would reach across party lines and work for the good of all. No one can honestly say that has happened. If you do, then you’re drunk on the party Kool-Aid and that’s not a surprise. Many of us are, on both sides.

We’re in the midst of 8 years of a president who has failed to deliver any hope and change and has even determined how his administration would enforce current federal law on matters of immigration. The IRS has become his personal enforcement arm. The American people can’t get an honest investigation into Hillary Clinton and 55,000 deleted emails that are legitimate government property yet the minute Planned Parenthood is exposed for the disgusting taxpayer funded organization that is now the face of our country’s turn a blind eye approach to the slaughter of over 50 million innocent lives then the organization behind the videos is rumored to be on the verge of investigation by the Department of Justice.

Now, conservatives, it’s your turn to take your medicine. I could write all day about similar instances in the 8 year administration prior to President Obama. This isn’t a new problem although it does seem to become more blatant with each administration.

The past two election cycles have the GOP voter base worked into a frenzy of passion and excitement over two of the biggest frauds to ever claim to be conservative or Republican. One man captured a vast majority of the white Christian conservative voter base in spite of being a Mormon himself. Yes, you read that right too. So called Christians popped up in droves to defend the faith of a Mormon yet decry the alleged Muslim sympathies of the opposition. These are the days we live in.

Fast forward to this looming election and we have so-called conservative voters proclaiming Donald Trump to be our nation’s savior. Lord, help us all. Despite his clear history of support and contribution to Democratic candidates, namely the very candidate who would be his primary opposition should he gain the nomination he seeks, he is now transformed into the great conservative hope. In the America we now live in a man who is pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-greed, thrice-divorced and feels he has no reason to ask God for any forgiveness and can blatantly disrespect a Vietnam veteran, POW and war hero with no apology is the candidate that the so-called “conservative” voters are fawning over. The candidate that Christian conservatives are fawning over. What’s wrong with this picture?

Lest, I leave you all depressed by this cold, hard slap into reality, let us all remember one thing. As of now, this is still OUR country. We are a democratic republic. There is hope.

A high percentage of voter turnout in our country for a presidential election is around 60 percent. This means only 6 out of 10 of us as eligible voters care enough about these problems to exude any effort and vote. That’s a “D” in grade school. Most other OECD countries exceed 70% and many are above 80%.

On the local level for mayoral elections many municipalities average as low as 10 percent voter turnout. This proves we get the government we deserve all the way down to the local level.

Non-presidential election cycles have a turnout of approximately 40%. Take into account this is a percentage of registered voters and also includes dead people who frequently vote in our elections along with those who happen to vote more than once, which unfortunately is not uncommon in our elections either. We the people don’t value our right to vote enough and have been easily defeated in this aspect.

To further clarify our dilemma, of the 60% who do vote, what percentage are informed? The above mentioned cases show that clearly voters are not educated and informed in regards to their choices. We too easily buy off on the advertising, propaganda and rhetoric we hear and are fed. It’s a beautiful thing (for the establishment) when two parties can so easily keep people divided for their own preservation. It assures things don’t change for themselves and those at the top.

Whatever the position, as a whole, we’re too quick and too easily swayed. Accuse someone of being Muslim or not having a birth certificate, they flock to the accuser. Accuse someone of “not caring about black people” despite the numerous black Americans in his cabinet, they flock to the other side or dig in and justify their previously held beliefs. We are granted the government we deserve.

Although this is a pie in the sky concept, I would offer that the change starts with each of us. As long as we are quick to judge, condemn, hate, divide, accuse, refuse to compromise and find middle ground, take on more private debt, lie, cheat, and steal then our government will absolutely reflect this. We vote for those we feel are most like us. What scares and angers us all the most is seeing firsthand what that actually looks like.

We have a sin condition, America. Let’s focus on that. “Seek first the kingdom…”

Rather than continue expending so much energy and passion into divisive issues, what if we spent that time, energy and passion committed to helping and loving our fellow man? What a world that would be. What a difference that would make. Imagine Christians determined to show the love of Christ to a dark and broken world, even a world that rejected them. Imagine the country where people like that have a government that is a reflection of those values.

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